Last minute: Mahmutbey toll booths are provided with traffic control

25.01.2022 – 08:07 | News Source: UAV

TEM highway Mahmutbey toll booths are provided with vehicle traffic control.

Son dakika: Mahmutbey gişelerde trafik kontrollü olarak sağlanıyorSon dakika: Mahmutbey gişelerde trafik kontrollü olarak sağlanıyor

The snowfall and its type, which was effective in Istanbul, caused the TEM highway to be closed. As a result of the works that lasted all night, the highway was started to be provided with traffic control. In the first hours of the day, vehicles were diverted to Edirne from a single lane. It was also seen that the vehicles that were abandoned due to the traffic density on the side of the highway stopped. The work of the teams on the highway continues.

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