LATROCÍNIO: Faction members arrested for involvement in the death of a PM corporal

Members of the Comando Vermelho (CV) Madson Augusto SNC, 21, Rayan SL, 25, aka “Gago”Helita GS, 23, known as ” Traquina” and a 16-year-old teenager were detained with two guns on Saturday night (11) at the Pride do Madeira condominium, block 609, on the east side of Porto Velho (RO).

Military Police teams surrounded the site after receiving information that those involved in the death of Corporal PM Rogério (which occurred late yesterday morning) were hiding at the site. . The police immediately approached the teenager and Madson with two firearms.

They denied participation in the policeman’s robbery, but handed over Helita and Rayan as those who would have been involved in the crime along with the alias “Marshal”. The police carried out searches and managed to arrest Helita and Rayan in the vicinity.

The two deny participation in the robbery and claim that the alias “Marshal” was the one who would have said yesterday morning (11) that he was going to win (steal) a policeman’s gun. “Marshal” has not yet been arrested.

The quartet was sent to the Central de Flagrantes and was placed at the disposal of the Courts.

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