LATROCÍNIO: PC and PM operation arrests suspect of participating in police killing
It was located in the east side of Porto VelhoRONDONIAOVIVO
April 14, 2020 at 11:55
Updated: April 15, 2020 at 9:26 am
Photo: Disclosure
Elias Rocha Pereira was arrested this Tuesday morning (14) for involvement in the death of Corporal PM Rogério. The robbery took place last Saturday (11) in a slaughterhouse on Estrada da Areia Branca, in the south of Porto Velho (RO).
Elias’ arrest took place in a residence on Rua Anápolis, Jardim Santana district, East side of the capital of Rondônia.
Elias was located during a joint action between the Civil Police and the Military Police. After the police investigations, the court ordered Elias’ temporary arrest.
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