LATROCÍNIO: PC and PM operation arrests suspect of participating in police killing

It was located in the east side of Porto Velho RONDONIAOVIVO

April 14, 2020 at 11:55

Updated: April 15, 2020 at 9:26 am

Photo: Disclosure

Elias Rocha Pereira was arrested this Tuesday morning (14) for involvement in the death of Corporal PM Rogério. The robbery took place last Saturday (11) in a slaughterhouse on Estrada da Areia Branca, in the south of Porto Velho (RO).

Elias’ arrest took place in a residence on Rua Anápolis, Jardim Santana district, East side of the capital of Rondônia.

Elias was located during a joint action between the Civil Police and the Military Police. After the police investigations, the court ordered Elias’ temporary arrest.

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LATROCÍNIO: Operação da PC e PM prende suspeito de participar da morte de policial
LATROCÍNIO: Operação da PC e PM prende suspeito de participar da morte de policial

LATROCÍNIO: Operação da PC e PM prende suspeito de participar da morte de policial

For readers, read with attention

This site tracks police cases. All those conducted are treated as suspects and their innocence is presumed until proven otherwise. It is recommended to the reader discretion when analyzing the reports.

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