“Le Grêlé”, died in Grau-du-Roi: “We have been waiting for so long”, indicates the lawyer of the Bloch family

The lawyer of the Bloch family, Me Didier Seban, spoke after the identification of the suicide of Grau-du-Roi as being the serial killer “Le Grêlé”.

A criminal case more than 35 years old was concluded this Thursday, September 30 in the Gard . DNA confirmed it late in the night: the man who committed suicide in Grau- du-Roi (Gard) is The Hailed , a terrible serial killer responsible for a multitude of crimes in the years 80-90. Ex-gendarme, François Vérove , 59 years old, lived in La Grande-Motte for several years where he had his house built. He was also elected in a Hérault commune . A shock to all the people who worked and lived with him who had no idea of ​​his appalling past .

A terrible wait for the Bloch family

This Friday, after the shock and the confirmation of his identity, the victims come out of silence. The lawyer for the Bloch family, this 11-year-old girl first victim of Hail , spoke of “both a feeling of satisfaction “but also” a form of disappointment “. “We have been waiting for such a long time for this case to be resolved”, declared Me Didier Seban on BFMTV . “We finally had nothing, no track, no elements despite the presence of DNA. (…) This silence deafening was for the families terrible pain , so solving this case at least lets them know who it was, who caused their misfortune.” If a feeling of relief is felt among the victims, it is also “a form of disappointment” because Le Grêlé takes with him his testimony . He will leave behind

only a letter explaining his actions and his murderous “impulses” . “He will not be judged, he will not be able to specify, explain , we will not know at all his background. So there is both this satisfaction but also this disappointment “deplores the lawyer for Cécile Bloch’s family.

Continue to” provide resources “

“These murders, these stories, it breaks families over several generations, that is why they must be resolved and it is fortunate today that we can give them an answer” indicates the lawyer who greets him. works investigators, even after all his years. “It is really the demonstration that it is useful not to give up, not to give up and to continue to put the means” he indicates to BFMTV .
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