Lee Jun-seok in the United States ” hasty judgment” on 'President Wen's proposal for an end-of-war declaration'

“I am concerned about a hasty political move ahead of the end of my term” / “I think it is important not to go too far”

Lee Jun-seok, representative of the People’s Power, was held in Washington, USA on the 22nd (local time). The Association of Former Members of Congress (FMC) greets attendees at the 2021 Statemanship Awards ceremony. providing the power of the people. News 1

Lee Jun-seok, representative of the People’s Power, is visiting the United States on the 23rd (local time) criticized President Moon Jae-in’s proposal to declare an end to the Korean War in his speech at the UN General Assembly as a hasty and unreasonable proposal. Representative Lee held a meeting with a correspondent at a restaurant near Washington DC on the same day and met with US officials and said, “I have conveyed my concerns about the hasty political move ahead of the end of the Moon Jae-in administration’s term.”

After citing North Korea’s position that it was ‘premature’ to President Moon’s proposal, he said, If North Korea did not even make a judgment that it would not accept it, it could only be judged that it was diplomatically hasty.”

He also emphasized, “Diplomatic proposals must have execution power,” and “As the opposition party strongly criticizes making such unreasonable proposals, as you must know that the six months remaining until the actual election are insufficient.”

He visited the U.S. Congress during his visit to the U.S. Congress regarding the ‘Korean Peninsula Peace Act’ submitted to the House of Representatives by U.S. Democrat Brad Sherman, including an end-of-war declaration. He said that he had heard that my support was not great, and he again aimed at the Moon Jae-in administration, saying, “I think it is important not to go too far ahead.”

“The Joe Biden administration is still taking a cautious stance in its actions toward North Korea,” he said.

Rep. Cho Tae-yong, who accompanied him, also said, “The US congressional and think-tank figures we met have shown that North Korea is the real goal of denuclearization. While no progress was being made, there were opinions that an end-of-war declaration was meaningless and that there was no need to give another gift to North Korea. It was evaluated that this bill (the Korean Peninsula Peace Act) was highly unlikely to pass the parliament.”

Rep. Tae Young-ho said that the parties to the declaration of the end of the war are three or four parties, including North and South America and, if expanded, China.

During his visit to the US, CEO Lee said, “I think the It conveyed a will to tackle international issues worthy of its status and hope that Korea’s role in the quad or multilateral system would be expanded.” There were also people who expressed concern about it,” he said. If diplomacy in a no-nonsense situation has been the behavior of the (Donald) Trump administration and the Moon Jae-in administration so far, I explained that the party’s position is that we will show a different image from now on.”

Lee responded to Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong’s remarks that it is natural for China to engage in aggressive diplomacy in an interview with the U.S. think tank the day before, saying, “The United States It is not a situation that the side would like, and I do not think it is a statement that accurately reflects the opinion of the people.”

Representative Lee will return home on the 26th after passing through New York and Los Angeles after meeting in Washington, DC, with Indo-Pacific Coordinator at the White House National Security Council, Kurt Campbell, and other figures from the US administration, Congress, and think tanks. This visit was accompanied by National Assembly Vice-Chairman Jeong Jin-seok, National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee members Jo Tae-yong and Tae Young-ho, Party Organization Vice-President Kim Seok-ki, Party Representative Seo Beom-su, and Chief Spokesperson Huh Eun-ah. )

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