Legless dog: Alexa robot “Astro” is said to be pretty bad

Amazon Astro

Amazon has presented a moving robot that is more or less equivalent to a mobile echo loudspeaker. Astro is the name of this robot, which is supposed to recognize people in the household and provide smart support. Alexa on Wheels is not a robot that brings you drinks, cleans windows or does other cool things. He has too few arms for that. It’s really just Alexa on wheels, as some colleagues scolded during the presentation. The coolest thing I think is that Astro can be used as a digital watchdog.

Toys, alarm system and a lot more – but also useful?

What looks kind of cute and seems like a nice idea is, according to internal leaks, anything but ready for real households. Quotes from developers who Vice are in any case devastating.

“Astro is terrible and will almost certainly throw himself down a flight of stairs if the opportunity presents itself. The personal identification is unreliable at best, which makes the suggestion about security at home ridiculous. “

The susceptibility to errors and the limitation leaves developers angry. They even consider the device to be potentially dangerous if people with disabilities buy Astro to gain more accessibility. Amazon replies

these statements that they are out of date and do not reflect the current status.

Household robots could become a big thing again

Robots for domestic use seem cool again anyway. Xiaomi had introduced the

Cyberdog a few months ago

. Astro is said to be a bit more expensive at around $ 1500. Commercial vacuum robots are now well-known and established, the future looks at least for a lot of relaxation for people.

Founder and acting boss of SmartDroid.de, blogs here and only here since 2008. All inquiries to me, in the comments or about the linked ones Networks.

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