Let's go to Mountain Nafpaktia


We welcome Autumn with tsipouro and chestnuts!

Autumn breaths with the smells of the wet earth and the fiery colors of Nature, to take off the senses…

It is as if the earth longed for the first autumn drops that fell like a “mother from heaven”, rinsing the foliage of the trees, thirsting for the dehydrated soil.

A thousand scents emerge from the forests and mountain fields and the place is decorated with crocuses, cyclamen and mushrooms that spring from the wet earth.

→ Mountainous Nafpaktia. The village of Ambelakiotissa

With the company of the travel site www.viewsofgreece.gr we will be in the heart of Central Greece, in the most beautiful neighborhoods of the villages of Orini Nafpaktia. Here we will enjoy the unique autumn images, the hospitality in wonderful and economical hostels, we will try chestnuts with tsipouro and bucolic snacks next to the incandescent fireplace!

This travel offer is just 3 hours away from Athens, and is ideal for a special weekend in the most interesting mountain nature.

See more HERE

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