Let's Take a Peek at RM Sayur Asem Pesanggrahan, the Inauguration of Anies' 'All Can Eat' Program

WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, PESANGGRAHAN – Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, has launched the ‘Everyone Can Eat’ program at Pesanggrahan Asem Vegetable Restaurant, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Wednesday (6/10/2021).

The location is close to the Pesanggrahan Village Office located on Jalan Cenek Raya, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta or approximately 30 meters.

Wartakotalive.com had the opportunity to visit

Asem Sayur Restaurant Pesanggrahan, Thursday (7/10/2021) at 14.30 WIB.

In front of the restaurant, a green and white banner that reads ‘Launching All Can Eat #ComeTraktirMakanSudaramu’ is still plastered on the wall.

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Then, the banner ‘Rome h Eating Sayur Asem Pesanggrahan’ which is colored red is also on display.

The building itself is dominated by white color and tables and chairs for buyers are made of brown wood. .

In the glass window of Nako, only a few side dishes and vegetables are left, such as Vegetable Lodeh, Vegetable Asem, Jengkol Balado, and others. The place is clean and comfortable, which is one of the advantages of the Pesanggrahan Sayur Asem Restaurant.

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Pesanggrahan Asem Vegetable Restaurant , the place has been operating for two years or since 2019.

He said that the origin of the restaurant started from his family who like to cook.

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