Light Novel ‘Majutsushi Kunon wa Mieteiru’ Gets TV Anime

Publishing company Kadokawa announced a television anime adaptation of Umikaze Minamino‘s Majutsushi Kunon wa Mieteiru (Kunon the Sorcerer Can See) light novel on Friday.

Laruha, the light novel illustrator, and La-na, the manga adaptation artist, both drew illustrations to commemorate the announcement (pictured above).

Minamino began penning the action fantasy novel on the Shousetsuka ni Narou website in August 2021. Kadokawa began publishing the series under its Kadokawa Books imprint in March 2022, featuring illustrations by Laruha. The sixth volume went on sale last August, with the seventh volume planned for a March 10 release.

La-na began serializing a manga adaptation in Monthly Comic Alive in April 2022. The fifth volume shipped in November 2024.

Yen Press licensed the light novel in English in February 2023 and released the third volume last June. The fourth volume is scheduled to be released on April 15.

Born blind, Kunon aims to be the first person to use water magic to create new eyes for himself. After five months of study, he has already surpassed his teacher, and continues to grow his talents. Not only can his magic help him sense color, but he can also use it to make handy items and even conjure a whole cat! Word of his skills and ingenuity soon reach the court and earn him a spot as disciple to the most powerful magician in the land. But is his ultimate goal even attainable? (Source: Yen Press)

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Official X: @animekunon

Source: LN News

Majutsushi Kunon wa Mieteiru on MAL

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