Lin Bingshu went home for Chinese New Year, and the New Taipei District Court ruled that the detention should be continued and banned from seeing

Lin Bingshu involved in the case of violent legislator Gao Jiayu, On the 25th, he was indicted on 8 counts of injury and other charges. The trial was transferred on the 27th. After the New Taipei District Court held a custody court, it was ruled on the evening of the 27th that Lin Bingshu continued to be detained and banned from seeing him, and Lin Bingshu could not return home for the Chinese New Year.

Daily Breaking News Notice

New Taipei The District Prosecutor’s Office concluded Lin Bingshu’s domestic violence case on the 25th and charged him with eight counts of obstructing secrets, private detention, coercion, obstructing reputation, obstructing computer use, harming, intimidating, and forging documents. The investigation found that in this case, Lin Bingshu was not the only one who committed the crime alone. Female assistants surnamed Lai and Guo assisted Lin Bingshu to intimidate Gao Jiayu anonymously, while another man surnamed Zheng helped to change the deposit column of the remittance slip. In the end, all three were involved. Suspended prosecution.

Collegiate panel: causing serious physical and psychological injuries to the tall girl, there are hooks , the risk of recidivism

The New Taipei City District Court held a hearing on the 27th to decide whether to continue the detention, and Due to the “risk of violating good customs” in this case, it was decided not to open the audition. According to reports, Lin Bingshu changed his attitude of resolute denial when he was transferred before, and did not defend himself too much in court. He admitted all the objective facts of the eight major suspects prosecuted by the prosecutor, and only discussed whether he was guilty or not. I hope to reconcile with Gao Jiayu, and I am willing to accept the confidentiality clauses, punitive liquidated damages and other conditions.

The collegial panel stated that Lin Bingshu only admitted part of the crime. He argued that Gao Jiayu voluntarily took private images, but he controlled Gao Jiayu by this. If he submits bail, he may collude with witnesses and commit crimes repeatedly, and Lin Bingshu claims to have been taking psychotropic drugs for a long time, which shows that he lacks the ability to control his behavior. Although the lawyer advocates that he can go to the hospital for treatment after the bail is released, but it is considered that he has caused serious physical and mental injuries to the high woman. , and there is a risk of conspiracy and re-offending, so it was ruled that the detention should not be seen.

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