Lopetegui: “It is time to continue, improve, learn and draw conclusions”

Y It is always better to go to a garter break having achieved a victory but, in the case of Sevilla , does so by signing his first defeat of the season. “ The analysis is negative in the sense that we have lost a game that we wanted to win. We have not deserved to lose for very clear occasions that we have had. We have to continue, improve, learn and draw conclusions to continue growing as a team after the break “, commented Julen Lopetegui.

Play with the scoreboard against

“Goals change your pace, in this case they got the goal in the first half on a long shot and it conditioned the future of the first half. We had many chances to score but we were not successful in the last pass, the last shot and if that happens you are closer to losing “

Defeat before the break

“We leave with a bad taste in our mouth, we have to digest it and try to give another image around “

Sevillistas in Granada

” We are sad about not having given them the victory we all wanted. We will try to face r already the next match with a clean head “

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