Lose weight sustainably: This simple trick is the first step towards your desired weight

Anyone who suffers from overweight and wants to lose weight can be quickly discouraged at the beginning.

Anyone who really wants to change something in their physical fitness A small but important step can help: getting the body used to more movement.

In an interview with the portal ‘ POPSUGAR ‘, Dr. John Morton, weight loss expert and head of bariatric surgery at Stanford University, suggested a simple strategy to take that first step:

“Get up from your chair at least 30 times a day. “

Starting point for more exercise

Especially for people who cannot walk a lot, have severe weight problems and are therefore not ready for more intense efforts, this little exercise is a good starting point to change something in the situation.

“Because when you get up from a sitting position, do you move and that burns calories. This movement also helps to build up the leg muscles and stabilize the core of the body, “says Morton.

Similar to squats When standing up, some central muscle groups are used: the abdominal and gluteal muscles as well as the anterior and posterior thigh muscles.

Picture gallery: 15 tips for more exercise in everyday life

In order not to forget to get up, you can set reminders on your smartphone or computer. During an eight-hour working day you should get up about three times an hour.

Get up every 20 minutes

Get up and stretch out once is not only good for the muscles, but also protects the eyes , which otherwise stare permanently at the screen.

“If you only Once you have strengthened your muscles, you can slowly increase your performance, walk longer distances more often and also train with other exercises, “recommends Morton.

Anyone who already has an athletic body will do it this movement of course may seem far less strenuous. Nevertheless, even a little movement is always good for every body.

Because standing regularly activates the muscles, stimulates the Metabolism and loosens the limbs. This can also have a positive effect on concentration at work.

Persistent sitting is unhealthy

“Sitting is the new smoking”, says Dr. Morton to consider. “ Just sitting constantly is really harmful for us .”

The more As you move your body throughout the day, even if it’s just getting up and sitting down, the more changes you will notice. In the long run, you can lose weight, build muscle and feel better overall.

In order to build up a healthy fitness, you should generally move as much as possible. For example, just leave the car behind, use the stairs or take a lap around the block during your lunch break – your body will thank you.

Reading tips

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