Murashko assessed the stocks of vaccine against COVID-19 in the regions

Murashko: there are no obstacles to getting the vaccine against COVID

According to the head of the Ministry of Health, in the country more than 15 thousand vaccination points are in operation, the drugs will last more than two months

Фото: Алексей Сухоруков / РИА Новости

Photo: Alexey Sukhorukov / RIA Novosti

There will be enough coronavirus vaccine stocks in Russian regions for two months, reported Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko at a meeting of the presidium of the government’s coordinating council to combat the spread of infection. According to him, citizens can freely get the drug.

“In all regions, the territorial availability of the vaccine is ensured. More than 15 thousand points – stationary, mobile – are currently operating in the country. Vaccine stocks – more than two months. That is, today there are no obstacles to obtaining a vaccine in any subject of the Russian Federation, “said Murashko.

The head of the Ministry of Health specified that more than 49 million people have already been vaccinated with the first component from COVID-19 in the country, more than 40 million received both components.At the same time, more than 1.5 million Russians were vaccinated again, added he. Among the regions where the highest rates of vaccination are noted, the minister named the Penza region.

The Kremlin, in turn, counted insufficient level of vaccination in the regions.

Дмитрий Песков

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