Love prediction for each zodiac sign in OCTOBER (Part 2)


) There are many things you can do at home to bring an element of coziness and romance to your living space. Bake biscuits, put the pot in and cook something favorite, start planning the holidays and imagine your home as a safe place where everyone is happy and happy to be together.

Here’s what the date you were born reveals to you (Part 2)


Say what you really want to say, and think about it well, as it may sound too insistent on someone’s heart. You may really want to talk from the heart, but this is not the time. Maybe gather your feelings in writing to rework what you really think and see if you feel the same way throughout the period.


You can’t have everything, or you may not want to. Money can be a factor and you may decide that you just don’t want to invest in things that have less value. Your frugal side is activated and you think to save, to keep things under control and not to exchange your time for thrills as a way to replace emptiness or love.


You know what you want and you need, but persecution is another matter. This is the time to work on yourself and not try to fix a person who does not want to change. Step back, Capricorn. The time to be someone’s cheerleader is over and you will want to come to life after you have been disappointed by their bad behavior


Things happen for a reason. A call is in progress. An email is sent and a request for friendship arrives on social networks. Maybe an ex is coming back. This may be a closing time and a way to say goodbye, which you have not had the opportunity to do just before.

Here’s what the date you were born reveals to you (1 part)


People change, you too. This may be the reason the relationship does not develop. When these planetary energies draw attention to your sector from friends, things start to change. You can try to fight, but you can forget to meet your next soulmate this way and develop in ways you never dreamed of.

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Love prediction for each zodiac sign in OCTOBER ( Part 1)

WITHOUT GOATS AND PROMISES: Here’s how to deal with the last RETROGRADE MERCURY for the year

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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