Lucado encourages Christians to live courageously in the midst of cultural upheaval

According to bestselling author Max Lucado, the Christian community is emotionally tired after a disputed presidential election, deep divisions within the Church and a pandemic. But the leader of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio says it is times like these that God’s silent providence is most at work.

“Help and rescue will come, deliverance will come. God makes his people go through things. He always do that. The question is not, ‘God will save his people.’ The question is: ‘Are you going to be a part of this?’”, said the author.

In his book, “You Were Made for This Moment”, Lucado shares how Esther’s story is parallel to that of many Christians today. It is, according to him, a story about people trying to keep their faith in a foreign land.

“We can all relate to that. We feel that we are on the outside looking, many times, in our culture. It’s a strange time we live in. The irony is not lost on me. It’s all about pluralism. Accept all except those who are not part of pluralism. It’s just the weirdest thing,” he added.

Max points out that, initially, Esther and Mordecai screwed up. Both, problematically, found success in a foreign land by hiding their Jewish identity. But then both Mordecai and Esther resurrected their faith and revealed that they were Jews, and because of their courage, they saved a nation. Bible was written by and for people who were a minority in their culture. God is already doing a great job through you. You are the salt of the Earth. You are the light of the world. Instead of getting mad, I’m going to focus on loving people and trying to encourage the Church and trust God to move us forward,’ concluded Max.

Second The Christian Post, in uncertain times, Lucado challenges believers to read the book of Esther and be arrested by the presence of God’s quiet providence. According to him, his story is a reminder that God is at work in our story even when it is not evident.

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