Madness in Nations League – Brother slams France into the final

Madness in the Nations League | Hernández brother slams France into the final

World Champion turns game against Belgium +++ Now Spain is waiting

Karim Benzema started the French race to catch up with his 1: 2 goalFoto: Dirk Waem/dpa

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Karim Benzema took care of it with his 1: 2 goal for the start of the French catch-up Photo: Dirk Waem / dpa

What a crazy game!

World Champion France wins the Nations League semi-final against Belgium after a crazy race to catch up in Turin with 3-2. After the 2-0 deficit, the “Equipe tricolore” turns the game completely upside down after the break.

At first everything speaks for itself Belgium!

37. Minute: De Bruyne plays from the center on the right to Carrasco, who pulls into the center and the ball in the short corner sunk for guidance. Koundé falsifies the shot slightly, but Lloris is also caught on the wrong foot.

Only three minutes later the double strike! After a pass from de Bruyne, Lukaku at the penalty area with a body trick easily prevails against Bayern professional Hernandez and hits the ball from a short distance humorlessly over Lloris under the crossbar – 2-0.

France with its mega-stars Mbappé, Benzema, Griezmann and Pogba only really gets going after the break – and balances out within just seven minutes.

62. Minute: Mbappé serves Benzema in the middle. The center forward prevails against three or four Belgians, but finds the gap with his shot from the turn and completes with a precise shot into the right corner.

After Tielemans hits Griezmann in the penalty area on the right foot and brings him down, the German referee Daniel Siebert decides after VAR – Intervention and viewing of the pictures on penalties – a correct decision. Mbappé takes responsibility and hits the right angle with a full shot to make it 2: 2 (69th).

Source: Instagram @ dfb_team

When everyone is already squinting at the extension, it gets really crazy. Carrasco broke through on the left side and crossed halfway into the center tower, where Lukaku came in and pushed the cross over the line from close range. The 3: 2 for Belgium? No! The video referee decides aside!

A few moments later Theo Hernández (brother of Bayern professional Lucas) then makes the madness perfect!

90. Minute:

Pavard crosses the ball at full speed in the middle. Denayer hits a ricochet on the first post and maneuvers the leather in front of Theo Hernández’s feet, who sinks the ball from 15 meters in the right corner!

In the final on Sunday (8.45 p.m. / ARD) France will meet Spain. “La Furia Roja” (German: the Red Fury) already prevailed 2: 1 against European champions Italy on Wednesday.

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