Magdalena Narożna went crazy with her hairstyle. This hairstyle is a hit

A popular disco-polo singer decided to surprise her fans and refresh her image. Narożna visited a hairdressing salon and praised the results on Instagram.

Magdalena Narożna wore a short hairstyle with a light shade for quite a long time. Recently, she decided to change the color and dye her hair. However, the changes do not end there. The singer visited her favorite salon to try something completely different there.

Magdalena Narożna changed her hairstyle

Lubiana the singer said she needed a bit of a change. The choice fell on the hair. What hairstyle did Corner go for? This time, two colored braids appeared in place of a short pixie haircut. The combination of light pink and darker purple looks surprisingly good.

– I’m so pleased. I found a way to get rid of my head – she writes satisfied.

The singer’s fans echo her, claiming that the hairstyle is not only very effective, but also extremely comfortable. I have to admit that this slightly crazy hairstyle suits Narożna.

– Now I can say that I am beautiful and young – added the happy singer on InstaStories, where she reported on her metamorphosis on an ongoing basis.

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