MAGIC MEDIA STUDIOS and NNE STUDIOS have wrapped up their first slate of the year with ‘We Are Good People’

Following a sold-out screening event in November 2023, MAGIC MEDIA STUDIOS and Nne Studios have just finished shooting their first short movie in 2024 — We Are Good People. 

Written by Myde Glover, — known for his role in the Netflix movie ‘Strangers — We Are Good People is a Drama Thriller that explores the dark side of friendship when a reunion turns into a crime scene. 

Directed by Ola Jegede IV (‘The Naked Director’), the film delves into the complexities of human relationships which challenge the bonds of friendship.

The talented cast includes Detola Jones (Man Friend, Dear Diane) Myde Glover (Strangers, Slum King), Nneoma Onyekwele (Her Dark Past), Timilehin Ojeola (Small Talk, Refuge), Charles Lenny (Unscripted), Tega Obahor (A Moments Peace) and Peculiar Adunni

“The characters in this story are not just players in a drama; they are reflections of our vulnerabilities, desires and struggles.” The Naked Director said. 

Producers Nneoma Onyekwele, Bolu Abiodun, and Myde Glover expressed their delight after the movie’s completion, setting a promising tone for the year ahead. 

They held a sold-out screening event last year 2023 at Viva Cinemas, Lagos, and plan to expand on this success with larger-scale events in the future. With anticipation building for its cinema release, the cast and crew eagerly await the audience’s response to ‘We Are Good People’.”

Ayomitide Adeyinka

Ayomitide Adeyinka is a content writer, crypto journalist and editor with a Bsc in Political Science. He is also an egalitarian.

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