Make cabbage parathas like this in winter, it is fun to eat hot

Gobhi Paratha Recipes: Potato, Radish, Dal, Onion Parathas are of many types. But in the winter season, eating cabbage parathas is a great option in breakfast. Cabbage can help in weight loss. Digestion can also be kept better by consuming paratha made from cabbage. ,

Gobhi Paratha RecipesGobhi Paratha Recipes

Paratha Recipe in Hindi:

  • Some people have breakfast early in the morning or under work pressure. Miss or skip. Whereas breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Always have a healthy breakfast, which keeps energy throughout the day. In such a situation, you can eat parathas in breakfast during the cold season. There are many types of parathas including potato, radish, lentils, onion. But in the winter season, gobi paratha is a great option in breakfast. Cabbage can help in weight loss. Cabbage paratha is also easy to digest. Let us know the complete method of making Cabbage Paratha…
  • Ingredients of Cabbage Paratha (Gobhi ka paratha ingredients)

      Three cups of flour

    • two spoons of oil
    • a tsp salt
    • Water as required

    for the stuffing

  • Half Cauliflower
  • Two Green Chillies (finely chopped)
  • tsp red chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon garam masala powder

  • salt to taste
  • Ghee/Refined for baking parathas

    to make Cabbage Paratha Method (Gobhi ka paratha recipes)

    – First of all, put flour, salt and ghee in a vessel and mix it well. Do it
    – Now slowly adding water to it Knead soft dough.
    – for making stuffing Wash and grate the cauliflower.
    – Now Add green chili, red chili powder, garam masala powder and salt to the cabbage. – Dough is ready for paratha

    now know how to make paratha: – Break small balls of the dough and roll them – Place a spoonful of stuffing in the center of the roti and fold the four sides to make a round shape.
    – Now apply dry flour on the stuffing dough and roll it again. – Keep the tawa on medium flame for heating and grease it with ghee.
    – As soon as the ghee is hot, put the paratha on the pan and bake it.
    – Now fold the paratha and bake it. Now apply ghee/refined on both sides of the paratha and bake it while turning it.
    – Similarly bake all the other parathas Take it and switch off the flame.
    – Ready This is a hot cabbage paratha.

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