Malawi Assesses Its Needs for Effective Implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC)

Malawi has recognized the importance of tobacco control in national health strategies and development plans. The National Cancer Control Strategic Plan 2019-2029 includes the objective to reduce the use of and exposure to tobacco and tobacco products. The National Action Plan for the Prevention and Management of NCDs in Malawi 2022 identifies tobacco use as a leading NCD risk factor. The National Health Financing Strategy 2023-2030 supports using tobacco taxes as an innovative health financing mechanism. Additionally, the Malawi 2063 Vision acknowledges the high dependence on tobacco exports and prioritizes the diversification of crops by the agriculture sector. By requesting this needs assessment, the Government of Malawi is showing its dedication to achieving national tobacco control priorities.

The WHO FCTC needs assessment exercise is jointly conducted by the Ministry of Health, the Secretariat of the WHO FCTC (Convention Secretariat), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health. This assessment will help identify tobacco control gaps and opportunities to make recommendations to further strengthen the implementation of the Treaty to ensure universal protection from the negative health, economic and environmental consequences of tobacco use and exposure to tobacco in Malawi. As part of the needs assessment, a series of meetings with various government departments and other stakeholders will take place throughout the week.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Hon. Noah Chimpeni, Deputy Minister of Health, reaffirmed the Government’s determination to continue its tobacco control efforts to prevent non-communicable diseases, deaths, and economic losses.

Dr. Neema Rusibamayila Kimambo, WHO Representative in Malawi, congratulated the country for ratifying the WHO-FCTC treaty and reaffirmed WHO’s strong commitment to collaborating closely with the government to achieve the shared goals of the framework. Mr. Andrew Black, Coordinator at the Convention Secretariat, commended the Government of Malawi for its commitment to tobacco control and assured that the Secretariat will continue to support Malawi in fully implementing the WHO FCTC.

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