Man who ‘killed, mutilated’ wife with kids’ help abandons bail

A father and his two children, who allegedly killed his wife and their mother, on Friday abandoned their bail application at the Sebokeng magistrate’s court.

The case was postponed to September 1 for further investigation.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), the father Charity Ntla and co-accused Buhle Mnyamezeli and Tumelo Mnyamezeli face a charge of murder.

They allegedly killed and mutilated Phumeza Mnyamezeli’s body and claimed to have been performing a religious ritual to rid the family of demonic forces.

“During the ritual, it is alleged that the three accused started assaulting and stabbing the deceased until she died after they mutilated her body,” said NPA spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana.

“While the two children were still busy cutting their mother’s body, it is alleged that Ntla ran to the police station to report the incident.

“The police arrived at the scene while the two were still busy cutting the body, and all three were arrested and remanded in custody.”

The trio allegedly said the victim was possessed by demons and that they performed an exorcism which required them to cut some parts of her body.

Gauteng police commissioner Lieutenant-General Elias Mawela urged people and families to seek professional when confronted by life’s challenges, saying killing a person is a serious crime.

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