A television anime adaptation of Satoshi Mizukami‘s Hoshi no Samidare (Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer) manga was announced by publisher Shounen Gahousha on Monday, scheduled for a Summer 2022 airing. Digital distribution company My Theater D.D. simultaneously opened an official website, revealing a teaser visual (pictured) and the main staff.
Nobuaki Nakanishi (Mahoujin Guruguru, Myself; Yourself episode director) is helming the anime. Original creator Satoshi Mizukami (Planet With) and Yuuichirou Momose (Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?, Infinite Dendrogram) are in charge of the series composition.
One day, college student Yuuhi Amamiya is approached by talking lizard Sir Noi Crezant. Crezant immediately launches into a fantastical story: the powerful mage Animus intends to destroy the earth with his biscuit hammer, a huge contraption looming high in earth’s orbit. Earth’s only hope lies with the princess and her Beast Knights, whose task is to protect the princess and defeat Animus.
Yuuhi is chosen as the Lizard Beast Knight, and despite his misgivings, is quickly forced to defend himself from a golem created by the mage. He is saved by his neighbor, the princess Asahina Samidare, and swears loyalty to her. However, the princess does not intend to save the earth at all. She lets Yuuhi in on her real motivations: to prevent Animus from destroying the earth, only to then annihilate the planet by her own hand. The pair continue to fight off attacks by Animus’s golems while the remaining Beast Knights are slowly being gathered and learning to use their powers. But Yuuhi will have to decide for himself whether to go along with Asahina’s plans, whom he is getting close to, or to save the earth. In the process, he must also confront his true self, and determine where his loyalties truly lie. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
The adventure comedy manga ran in Young King OURs between June 2005 and August 2010. Shounen Gahousha published the manga in ten volumes from January 2006 to November 2010.
JManga began publishing the manga in English in February 2012 and released five volumes before going defunct in May 2013. Seven Seas Entertainment re-licensed the manga in November that year and published it in 2-in-1 omnibus volumes between November 2014 and November 2015. Crunchyroll and Book☆Walker Global added the manga to their catalog in September 2014 and November 2015.
Official site: https://hoshinosamidare.jp/
Book☆Walker special page: https://bookwalker.jp/series/4674/
Source: Comic Natalie
Hoshi no Samidare on MAL
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