Margot Palacios: Congressmen will think about “governability” rather than about the censorship of Iber Maraví

The parliamentarian Margot Palacios ( Peru Libre ), considered this Thursday that the members of the Plenary of Congress will think about governability before approving a censorship against the Minister of Labor, Iber Maraví , after his interpellation.

In an interview with the program Nothing Is Said of RPP , Margot Palacios regretted that the motion of no confidence that would be presented “I was already prepared”. In addition, he indicated that he will wait for the Board of Directors of Congress to call for a vote on this request.

“We have listened to some parliamentarians from other political organizations who do not have that position and in that sense we believe that governance is going to be considered. Although it is true this cannot become a matter of State because there are other higher priority issues, “he said.

I support Bellido with a question of confidence

In relation to the possibility of a question of confidence about Iber Maraví , Margot Palacios expressed her support for the president of the Council of Ministers, Guido Bellido, after he slipped the possibility of presenting the aforementioned constitutional mechanism.

“Finally, (Guido Bellido) will have to proceed according to what he has indicated, he has said it publicly and surely your performance will be consequently with what was said publicly, “he said.

On Wednesday during a press conference, Guido Bellido stated that if necessary the Government will request a question of confidence in defense of Minister Iber Maraví . “This responds to a political issue,” said the Premier the day before.


“Espacio Vital”: In a press release, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer / BioNTech announced that its vaccine works in children between 5 and 11 years old. What is known about this vaccine for this age group? What does the scientific community say about it? Dr. Elmer Huerta explains all the details to us.

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