Maria Ressa: In a world without facts, there is no truth and no trust

Journalism is becoming active in a world where journalists have to fight for the facts, Philippine journalist Maria Ressa said on Friday in response to the fact that this year he became one of the Nobel Peace Prize winners alongside Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov.

The fact that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to journalists this year, proving that “nothing is possible without facts. In a world without facts, there is no truth and no trust, ”Ressa said in a video interview that appeared on the Rappler news portal she founded and ran.

Maria Ressa is a Philippine journalist on March 29, 2019.

The journalist said he was very surprised, almost shocked to learn that he was one of this year’s honors, and promised that the Rappler would continue to do what it was doing in the future.

This is the best time to be a journalist, ”said Maria Ressa, adding that the most dangerous periods are the most important. “Journalism becomes an activism in a world where facts are called into question, where the biggest news-sharing party focuses on spreading hateful lies and spreading them faster and farther than the facts,” Ressa said.

Rappler has regularly criticized President Rodrigo Duterte’s statements by the Philippines and his bloody war on drugs. A number of proceedings and investigations are underway against the news portal and its leader. A lawsuit against Ressa was also filed in 2012 for defamation. Authorities have arrested Maria Ressa several times in recent years, whom Time magazine selected as one of the people of the year in 2018.
According to the Nobel Committee, Ressa and Muratov called for “freedom of expression as a precondition for democracy and lasting peace” ”Received the award for his efforts. The panel praised Ressa as a fearless defender of freedom of expression.

(MTI / AFP / dpa)

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