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The parting of Marina Gagić and Darko Lazić, as is well known, did not go very well.

Marina Gagic • gagicmarina / Instagram


The singer repeatedly took out the “dirty laundry” of his former fiancée, and she did not remain indebted to him, so they even ended up in court.

In addition, members of Darko’s family often had something bad to say about Marina, which made it clear that they did not stay on good terms.

Andreana Čekić
Andreana Čekić

However, Gagić only did not “cross” the untried godmother Andreana Čekić, so she is in today’s days on social networks, she shared the singer’s last song with the message: “Every part! I shivered from head to toe! “.

Andreana ČekićAndreana Čekić

“Thank you, sun”, Andreana answered enthusiastically, and what about Marina , on the other hand, in a recent interview revealed by Barbara Bobak, Darko’s new girlfriend, if you are missed, see HERE .

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here Andreana Čekić

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