Mars: The Unexpected Anomaly That Surprised Researchers

Planeta Marte anomalie

The planet Mars is the most intensely studied Of the planets in the solar system at the moment, even though it is not the closest to Earth, it is visited by a series of space probes trying to discover more of what is happening there. NASA has 2 robots and a helicopter on the surface of the planet Mars, and on September 18 it should have made a new flight with it, but an anomaly prevented the mission from being completed.

The planet Mars is not exactly one that is friendly with any object on its surface, and what was observed by scientists by helicopter prevented the initiation of a flight with a rotational speed larger for its propellers. NASA said the helicopter had detected two anomalies in the servomotors on which the propeller mechanisms work, so the team of researchers decided not to initiate the new flight to Mars.

Planet Mars: The Unexpected Anomaly That Surprised Researchers

Mars was flown by this helicopter in several flights, but NASA did not risk lifting the helicopters again as the servomotors detected anomalies that could have led to its crash. With this in mind, NASA has decided to conduct further investigations to see if the problem with those components is real, or just a misidentification, and only then will it try to raise it back to Mars.

“Here’s what happened: Ingeniousness detected an anomaly in two of the small flight control servo-motors (or simply” servo “) during the automatic pre-flight check and did exactly what he had to do: canceled the flight. Servomotors are much smaller than rotary engines, but they work very hard and are essential for a stable and controlled flight. ”

The planet Mars, in its journey through the solar system, will be behind the sun in the next two weeks, so no communication can be made with Earth, and NASA will suspend its missions until it returns to orbit. . In the meantime, NASA engineers will try to find out what are the problems with the helicopter that should fly over the planet Mars, but it is prevented by such problems that are very serious.

The planet Mars will be further explored by NASA in the coming months and years, so it will be very interesting to see what scientists will discover on the cosmic body.

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