JAL, Norwegian mackerel imported for the first time in Japan Offering a fluffy, thick texture, supermarket and in-flight meals

Japan Airlines (JAL / JL) , 9201), JALUX (2729), and the Norwegian Fisheries Council (NSC) began importing raw Norwegian mackerel on September 24th. Normally, it is shipped in a frozen state, but by importing it in a raw state, you can enjoy a thick and fluffy texture. This is the first time that Norwegian mackerel has been imported in Japan, and it will be sold at major supermarkets in the Tokyo metropolitan area as well as served as an in-flight meal. It is expected to import about 20 tons by November, when the fishing season is at its peak.

Norwegian mackerel “Mackerel Nouveau” unloaded from JAL’s JL48 flight from Helsinki to Haneda=September 24, 2009 PHOTO : Yusuke KOHASE / Aviation Wire

— Article Summary —
“Saba Nouveau” that JALUX employees are connoisseurs
“Shocking taste that cannot be tasted in Japan”

“Saba Nouveau” that JALUX employees are connoisseurs

Norwegian mackerel gets fat September It will reach its peak from late to early November. Normal mackerel weighs 200 to 600 grams per fish and has a fat content of 20-30%. Of these, those with a weight of 500 grams or more and a fat content of 30% or more are named “Saba Nouveau” and are fresh. Airlift to Japan in the state.

Saba Nouveau, named after the French wine Beaujolais Nouveau (Beaujolais Nouveau), was named by a JALUX employee in Norway. Sorting. Mackerel landed in the waters near Norway is stuffed with ice at a factory, and about 1000 km is transported by land from the Norwegian capital, Oslo, to the Finnish capital, Helsinki. From Helsinki, it will be airlifted by JL48 flight to Haneda, which is regularly operated by JAL, and will be delivered to the Japanese dining table in about 60 hours after landing.

Mackerel tends to lose its freshness, and is commonly referred to as “a fish with fast legs.” By changing the temperature inside the chamber from 0 to 2 degrees and the core temperature of mackerel from -1 to +1 degrees when it arrives, it is transported while maintaining its freshness.

Kanto of Lopia (head office, Kawasaki City), which will start selling at supermarkets from September 24th and operates mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area. In addition to being available at all stores, it will also be sold at Queens Isetan from the next arrival. In addition to the Shirokane Takanawa store and Shinagawa store, it is available at multiple stores in Tokyo.

In addition, JAL will serve it as a domestic first class breakfast on flights to and from Haneda. It will be prepared by arrival from September 21st to 30th and by departure from October 21st to 31st, and will be served as grilled salt in the Japanese menu “Taimono”. In addition, processed products such as grilled mackerel sushi using mackerel nouveau are under development, and will be sold at the airport store “BLUE SKY” operated by JALUX and online shops.

Grilled raw mackerel “Saba Nouveau” with salt JAL Domestic First Class In-flight Meal=September 24, 2009 PHOTO: Yusuke KOHASE / Aviation Wire

“A shocking taste that cannot be tasted in Japan”

JALUX Vice President Marukawa shows confidence in the quality of the Norwegian mackerel “Saba Nouveau” 2nd from left) and Mr. Qualheim of NSC (1st from right)=September 24, 2009 PHOTO: Yusuke KOHASE / Aviation Wire

On the 24th, the first day of import, JAL’s JL48 flight from Helsinki to Haneda (Boeing 787-9, registration code JA875J) Imported 30 boxes of 300 kg of raw mackerel. Upon arrival, customs officers inspected raw mackerel at the Haneda cargo shed.

JALUX Vice President Kiyoshi Marukawa said about Saba Nouveau, “a shocking taste that you can’t taste in Japan.” Expressed as. Since the JAL Group has airmail and a trading company, it is confident in its success, saying, “No one else can achieve it. Only we can achieve it.” Since late September to early November is the peak season for mackerel fishing, he said, “I want to deliver special quality and establish it as an autumn taste.”

Japan is the largest export destination for Norwegian mackerel, shipping 120,000 tons annually to Japan. Japan is also the leader in terms of export value, and has maintained the top position since 1995. The export value in 1995 was 11.5 billion yen, and the highest in 2005 was 20.6 billion yen. Due to the increase in exports to South Korea and China in recent years, the value of exports in 2020 was 11.5 billion yen, the same level as in 1995.

Until now, all landed mackerel was imported frozen and used by sea. According to Vice President Marukawa, even though it was landed in September, when it was at its peak, it arrived in November.

Norway started exporting raw mackerel in 2017, accounting for about 2-5% of the total. The remaining 90% or more are conventional frozen products. In addition, the export destinations are only three European countries, Denmark, Sweden and Italy, and Japan is the farthest export destination at this stage. Johann Qualheim, director of Japan and South Korea at NSC, said he was delighted to start exporting raw mackerel to Japan, saying it was “a big step for the Norwegian fishery industry.”

With the start of import of raw mackerel, it is expected that raw mackerel and other raw foods will be used in addition to conventional cooking. Hitoshi Masuda, chief of the Fisheries Division 1 of the JALUX Fisheries Department, who promoted the Saba Nouveau business this time, said that raw food is “fresh tolerable, but there may be (parasite) Anisakis,” and cooking by experts is required. And said. According to Mr. Masuda, in addition to grilling with salt, simmered soy sauce and grilled salted lemon can be enjoyed more with a fluffy texture.

First shipment JAL flight JL48 from Helsinki to arrive at Haneda with the Norwegian mackerel “Saba Nouveau”=September 24, 2009 PHOTO: Yusuke KOHASE / Aviation Wire

Norwegian mackerel “Saba Nouveau” unloading from JAL’s JL48 flight from Helsinki to Haneda=21 September 24, 2014 PHOTO: Yusuke KOHASE / Aviation Wire

JAL’s Grahan staff carrying the Norwegian mackerel “Saba Nouveau” arriving at Haneda to the cargo shed=September 24, 2009 PHOTO: Yusuke KOHASE / Aviation Wire

Norwegian mackerel arriving at Haneda Customs staff inspecting “Saba Nouveau”=September 24, 2009 PHOTO: Yusuke KOHASE / Aviation Wire

Helsinki from Norway Raw mackerel “Saba Nouveau” arrived via PHOTO: Yusuke KOHASE / Aviation Wire

JALUX’s Vice President Marukawa (left) appealing the Norwegian mackerel “Saba Nouveau” (2nd from), Mr. Qualheim (center) of NSC, JAL cabin crew=September 24, 2009 PHOTO: Yusuke KOHASE / Aviation Wire

Conventional frozen mackerel (right) Norwegian mackerel “Saba Nouveau” with a fluffy and thick texture=September 24, 2009 PHOTO: Yusuke KOHASE / Aviation Wire

Related Links
Japan Airlines
Norwegian seafood mackerel (Norway Fisheries Council)

[Tasting] JAL’s in-flight meals for home use, cooked in the microwave at home (August 18, 2009)

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・ Beaujolais Nouveau, Haneda 2640 arrivals by JAL flight from Paris (October 22, 2008)

[ Notice]
Regarding the start of sales in the 4th paragraph of the 1st paragraph, Queen’s Isetan will start from the 28th. I was planning to sell it, but according to JALUX, it was not possible to ship for 28 days due to local stormy weather. The relevant part has been updated to “Next arrival”. (September 25, 2009 23:50 JST)

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