Mayim Bialik recalls fallout with Neil Patrick Harris

Mayim Bialik has opened up about a fallout she once had with pal Neil Patrick Harris.

The Big Bang Theory star spoke about the fight during an appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden, revealing the incident happened in the early 1990s, when the actress was a teenager. Mayim and her partner went to watch the How I Met Your Mother star performing as Mark in a production of Rent and she refused to give a standing ovation.

“When everyone is clapping at the end and you say to your boyfriend next to you, ‘I don’t want to stand for this,’ and then you look up and Neil Patrick Harris is looking right at you… it’s a bad day,” the 45-year-old told Corden. “Neil was fantastic, he’s amazing, but I just wasn’t into the ‘let’s give a standing ovation,’ it wasn’t my thing. That’s the time when you don’t say it out loud – because Neil was reading my lips.”

When Mayim, who noted that musicals aren’t “her thing”, went backstage after the show, Neil asked her directly why she wouldn’t stand up.

“We didn’t speak for a long time,” she recalled. “He says that he forgave me and he sent me flowers when he heard I was still carrying this terrible guilt.”

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