Media and advertisements investigations

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The editors-in-chief also cleared up the erroneous assumption, which was widespread in the highest political circles, that there was consideration for advertisements in the form of editorial reporting give. Even if individual free titles should have built their business models and publishing empires on the basis of this concept, in most media houses there are red lines and a strict separation between editorial and advertising departments.

“Our journalists do a great job every day. Our job is to critically accompany the rulers, the powerful and the rulers and to report on processes, conditions and conditions in politics and society. This includes successes and sensible solutions as well as errors in the system, Injustice or corruption. Journalism with respect for political office, but critical distance. We perform this task independently of political or advertising influences. We keep our distance and do not allow ourselves to be taken in. And we are convinced that liberal democracy needs such independent media “, the explanation goes on.

“Anyone who disregards the boundary between journalism and politics is endangering the foundations of democracy”

The editors-in-chief reminded them at the same time to her statement after the Ibiza affair in 2019: “In a liberal democracy, independent media are not an instrument for a party or powerful interest groups to gain and maintain power, nor are they an instrument for manipulating readers. For all the shortcomings that can be held against them, they are an important corrective of politics. Anyone who disregards the boundary between journalism and politics is endangering the foundations of democracy. “

The fact that advertising in the media is under general suspicion and disavowed by the events rumored by the public prosecutor’s office, regret the editors-in-chief. “In addition to subscription and sales revenues, advertising revenues have been an important source of income for the media for decades and have contributed to the economic basis and independence that is essential for editorial independence. But we are convinced that critical journalism is and will remain an attractive business model. “

APA editor-in-chief new Association Chairman

In addition to the two editors-in-chief of “Niederösterreichische Nachrichten”, Daniel Lohninger and Walter Fahrnberger, also the editors-in-chief of APA, “Der Standard”, “Die Furche”, “Die Presse”, “Falter”, “Kleine Zeitung”, “Kurier”, “News”, “Oberösterreichische Nachrichten”, “Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt”, “profil”, “Salzburger Nachrichten”, “Tiroler Tageszeitung”, “trend”, “Vorarlberger Nachrichten” and “Wiener Zeitung”.

At the most recent meeting of the association, a new board was also elected. APA editor-in-chief Johannes Bruckenberger has taken over the chairmanship from Thomas Götz, deputy editor-in-chief of the “Kleine Zeitung”. Kathrin Gulnerits (“News”) and Rainer Nowak (“Die Presse”) were deputy e Chairperson confirmed in their functions.

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