Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays 2021

As the end of 2021 draws near, the team and I would like to thank you for all your support over the year.

It’s been another difficult year of ups and downs for so many in the diving industry but we know so many of you have managed to get back in the water – even briefly – and we look forward to a much brighter 2022 and a return to international travel and diving of all types.

I’m really proud of the team, our work, and you…our community and readers.

We wrote 750+ articles this year; published 350+ inspiring daily images across our socials; put out 15 award-winning podcast episodes; kept the community engaged through our forums and Facebook groups and generally loved keeping you informed, connected, and inspired over the year.

If you enjoyed what we’ve been doing this year, please consider becoming a supporter or grabbing something from our official clothing store.  Every little bit helps at this time.

As usual, the team takes a well-earned break, but do keep checking back as we have our Photo Of The Year and Video Of The Year announcements coming out between Christmas and New Year.

Please stay safe and always be merry… and we look forward to seeing you in 2022.

Stephan Whelan

Stephan is the Founder of His passion for the underwater world started at 8 years old with a try-dive in a hotel pool on holiday that soon formulated into a lifelong love affair with the oceans. In 1996 he set up and has grown the site to be the most popular diving website and community in the world.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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