“Meteorology” alerts 6 areas: winds, raised dust, and a cold wave with reduced horizontal visibility

The National Center of Meteorology, through the early warning system, issued several alerts about the expected weather during the coming hours in Riyadh, Madinah, Makkah, Tabuk, Qassim and Sharqiya. Tabuk is witnessing raised dust and active winds with a decrease in the range of horizontal visibility, and the case includes Amlaj, and it continues until 16.00 on Friday evening. The case includes Al-Bukairiya, Al-Fawara, Buraidah and Uyun Al-Jawa, and it continues until 21.00 on Friday evening.

The Riyadh region is witnessing active winds and raised dust accompanied by activity in the surface winds and a decrease in the range of horizontal vision. Al-Dawasir, Al-Kharj, Al-Diriyah, Al-Dalm, the capital Riyadh, Al-Ghat, Al-Muzahimiyah, Hotat Bani Tamim and Ramah, and will continue until 09.00 am on Friday morning. Horizontal vision, including Al-Ahsa, Qatif and Abqaiq Salwa, Khafji, Qaisumah, Nairiya, Hafr Al-Batin, Jubail, Al-Khobar, Dammam, Dhahran and Ras Tanura, and it continues until 09.00 on Friday morning. The case includes Thuwal, Jeddah, Rabigh, Al Kamil, Khulais, Rahat, Asfan, Madrakah, Al Khurma, Al Muawiyah, Turabah and Ranieh, and continues until 18.00 on Friday evening. In the range of horizontal vision, the case includes Al-Rais, Badr, Yanbu, Yanbu Al-Nakhl, Al-Akhal, Al-Hanakiyah, Al-Freesh, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Al-Masjid, Al-Yatama, Al-Hindiya, Al-Mahd and Wadi Al-Far`, and continues until 18:00 on Friday evening.

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