Mexico eliminated Puerto Rico in the Caribbean Series with whitewash 5×0

Photo: Federico Parra/ AFP

The right Nick Struck made a great opening and José Cardona and Esteban Quiroz were spark plugs of the offensive for the Charros de Jalisco, from Mexico, to dominate this Monday 5×0 at Criollos de Caguas, from Puerto Rico, in the Caribbean Series.

The Mexican champion levels his record at 2-2 after losing their first two games, revitalizing their chances of qualifying for the semifinals of the tournament, which takes place at the Quisqueya Stadium in Santo Domingo.

The one from Puerto Rico, in contrast, still hasn’t won in four appearances, leaving him with no chance of advancing.

American Nick Struck pitched five and two-thirds innings, with five hits, two strikeouts and three walks. Won (1-0).

José Cardona, first in manager Roberto Vizcarra’s batting order, and Esteban Quiroz, second, were decisive.

Cardona opened the game with a hit and Quiroz followed with a home run for the Charros to take a 2×0 lead in the first inning.

These two players were productive again in the third act, scoring two more lines for the Mexicans.

Cardona gave uncatchable and Quiroz was walked. Víctor Mendoza chartered the first with a shot hit the line by the right field that became a double and Japhet Amador, with a connection to the center, drove in the second.

The Charros put more ground in the sixth inning: Agustín Murillo drove in and Cuban Félix Pérez scored.

Cardona went 2-5, with two runs scored. Quiroz went 4-1, with a passport, two charters and two scored.

First thing in the morning, the Navegantes del Magallanes guaranteed a place in the semifinals by beating the Panamanians Astronautas del Santos 2×1.

From 20 :00 local (00:00 GMT on Tuesday), the local Gigantes del Cibao, already classified, face the Colombian Caimanes de Barranquilla.

Annotation by tickets:

– 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CHE

Mexico 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 10 0

Puerto Rico 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0

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