Mhoni Seer: Today's Horoscope October 7; value yourself

Mhoni Vidente: Horóscopo de hoy 7 de octubre; valórate.(FOTO: PEXELS)

Mhoni Seer: Horoscope for today October 7; rate yourself. | PHOTO: PEXELS

Recognize your worth and make them Others also value you, today is your opportunity to show who you are and what you are capable of. The stars will bring new energies for you to achieve it. The Cuban expert, Mhoni Vidente tells how to take advantage of them in the best way, through the Horoscope for today October 7, 2021 .


According to Today’s horoscope of this October 7 , each time, as love grows, they will go appearing more and more enemies of love. They will not be people, but powers that undermine the brightness in life: routine, obligations, time … The way to deal with them is to maintain the strategy that they have maintained until now: to give each other. It is time to consider the need to expand. Your business and your work must grow. There’s no point in continuing to maintain a status quo in the name of stability, suggests astrologer Mhoni Seer .

You must diversify, because the key to earn more is to take advantage all your talents, all the things you want and can do. We must know how to distinguish what we are told from what we believe we have been told. You have created a whole planet for yourself for something you thought you heard. Without a doubt, the source of those words does not have the best will for you, but it is better to go free of that negativity. Don’t attract her, Aries.


This is a good time to go back to the roots of love, to the things that really matter, and to discard everything that is secondary around the relationship. And it is that love and only love is a response in moments like this, in which you cannot clearly see a future for both of you. Offers can be misleading, as they represent savings that in fact do not occur many times.

It is better that you let it pass this series of opportunities, because they are only going to be an expense that you cannot face and that will hurt your budget. Don’t hesitate: there will be better opportunities. The passage of time cannot be resolved, but a cared body is a body that always looks young. Today do everything you must so that tomorrow finds you in one piece. Feed me better, hydrate yourself, do an exercise routine and, above all, respect your hours of rest.

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According to the Horoscope of Mhoni Seer , the stars point out that today you must value the gifts that your partner add to your life. You take his qualities for granted, but you don’t appreciate how he has positively influenced your life. And that is not only thankless. In addition, it prevents you from taking advantage of its value. And it is that when you just find the key, she has already crossed the threshold. You have to adapt to the conditions they impose on you. There is no point in facing an order of things that exceeds you.

They suppose a little less income and other disadvantageous conditions for you, but if you accept, you will be able to enjoy a stronger bond with the organization, which in the long run will benefit you. You are part of a sacred whole, which involves life and the forces of Destiny. So you cannot feel at the mercy of threatening chance. There are forces that take care of you, there are people who look out for you and dreams that you must fulfill. You are not an island on your own in the vast sea, Gemini.

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You fear that your partner may find out about a fact from your past. One that affected you and that for mental health you have not told him. You also feel that if he knows, the image he has of you will change for the worse. The stars assure you that you can lose care about it: it already knows and understands you. It is not necessary to return to that aspect. Bad investments should never be repeated. To distinguish them we must commit them before, because otherwise it is impossible, Cancer.

You have already learned the most difficult way, and you must value that learning. So go ahead and bypass this stone on your way. You have a little more wisdom about the art of making money. Do not allow apathy to take control of your life, because the first aspect it affects is your self-care. Maintain enthusiasm, as it is possible that in other aspects of your life you can fail, but you will never go wrong when it comes to taking care of your body. That will always be one of your greatest triumphs.


The Today’s Horoscope warns you that nothing can be eternal … except love. It may not last forever, but you must live it by doing your best to make it so. All problems must be solved at the moment, all lies and deceit must be exposed and discussed, and forgiven. It is a good day to put aside all those who can overcome you from the person you love. You have to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, and therefore it is better that you use new techniques, recommends the fortune teller Mhoni Seer .

You have to behave as if everything What do you do? You did it for the first time, because that is the only attitude that will allow you to find new ways of doing things. It’s true: it’s time to let go, Leo. Do not delegate the care of your mind and your state of mind to people who see that task as a mere job, because for you it is something else, which means that it is everything. In addition to that help, do your homework: get out of your mind all negative thoughts that hurt you or lead you to make the same mistakes.


Each head is a world. And that is why you must respect their limits. You can’t know what your partner thinks, and that’s okay. You cannot go around worrying that his mind is in other places, away from you. You have your concerns and your life. There is more to their existence than you, and that is something that should cheer you up. Today they are going to consult you on a subject in which you are an expert. You are going to provide a solution that will save your superiors time and money. But you must stop and ask yourself: “What do I get out of all this?”

It’s about time you received a fair return for what you can provide. Don’t work for free, Virgo. Today you need to do an introspection exercise (alone or in company) to find those memories that continue to hurt. Once you do, you should consider seeing yourself with the protagonists of those memories and confronting them. If possible, it will allow you to make the closure you deserve.


Do not see your relationship as a war, because the love is something else. A symbiosis in which each one cooperates to make everything new and necessary, to create something from two individualities. If it is necessary to fight for the fight, it is that something is failing within the couple. You will have a loss today, not very serious, but you must take it for what it is: a warning that it is time to improve your controls and focus on what matters.

Don’t let this pass you by: you need to make major changes in the way you organize yourself. Do not wait for a symptom of care to make you take the measures that until now you have overlooked. Anticipate, it is the best medicine. Above all, take care of your eyes, as trends indicate that they can be affected if you are not careful enough. If you wear glasses, maybe it’s time to check your prescription.


According to Today’s Horoscope , the fights, whatever its intensity or the way it is they produce, they are bad, and it is better to avoid them. Stop believing that they are a way to show love or interest. There is nothing like living a relationship in peace and with all the channels open. The next time things get hotter, make sense of yourself. This will be the day when your best efforts will be rewarded: they will offer you a society that can push your career or your products to frontiers that you had not imagined, he says Mhoni Seer .

You must say yes to that proposal, and be ready to provide the extra that is demanded of you, without any reservation. You have to prepare for a period where a new level of effort will be required on your part. To that end you must find your mental and physical balance, in a new harmony, Scorpio. Consider starting yoga and physical training sessions, so that you cover your body and mind with your new discipline.


Don’t expect too much from your friends as to willingly accept your partner. Partly because they think you deserve better, and partly because jealousy also plays out between friends. The important thing is that, over time, you show them that this is forever, and that your partner deserves all possible love. There are debts that are better to lose than to try to recover them, because of the wear and tear they imply, and because we should not stoop to insisting that someone remember the importance of honoring those who helped them.

Don’t insist and let things sort themselves out, Sagittarius. The stars assure you that you will get that money back in another way. This is a good day for you to regain the energy that giving brings, without ulterior motives or waiting for a reward. So gather those that you don’t use and those that you have left over, and give it to whoever needs it. Generosity, with all the hormonal changes that it causes us, is a real underpinning of our body.


According to Today’s Horoscope , we must avoid the temptations that only They are going to put you in compromising situations with your partner. Better than anything that sends the wrong message about your intentions with another person, even. That everything is clear between you and your partner, without stains or cracks that damage your stability. You have to understand those you serve to serve them better, because that is precisely the key to your success in what you do, says the expert Mhoni Seer .

Your mission is clear: to be useful wherever you go. To be, you must find out what you and only you can give to others with a touch of excellence. It’s time to find out. That fatigue is not the result of your work and the tasks you undertake day after day. It’s the way your body demands your attention. You have to attend to it, but not with rest, but with open spaces, green and water. You have to leave urban spaces so that your body recharges itself with that energy you need, Capricorn.


Not all couples are the same, not all people, and not all your love stories are going to have the same ending. You must have a greater faith in yourself and in the strength of your love. Each one writes his destiny, and you are doing it in the best way. There is nothing predestined, and you have the right to be happy. You knew, at the beginning of this adventure, that the play could go wrong, and that you could lose. You have been carried away by that negative thought and now You want to fold.

You do it ahead of time and without having played all your cards. Time to stay up and speed up. Victory is far away, but you are not defeated. You fill your mind with useless thoughts about what could happen and what does not finish happening. Worries about hypothetical facts do not help your anxiety. The solution is simple, but it requires perseverance: you need to focus on what happens now and only now and nothing else, Aquarius.


Learn your mistakes, especially in what has to do with love. Do not go the same ways, or repeat the same habits, Pisces. Now you are happy with this person, but it is also time for you to recognize that the person from whom you must defend your love is yourself, and no one else. Life is leaving us, and with it the opportunity to make wealth. Today is a good day to rethink the way you work and do business.

There is something that does not let you be everything productive you should. And that something is the false humility that is imposed in all spheres of your life. Don’t let it take control anymore. Good health is not an act of luck, but the result of great discipline and hard work. It is time for you to recover those good practices, and to stop lying in bed worrying about things that did not just happen. Action before sadness, life before immobility.

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