Mhoni Seer warned of the terrible earthquake that hit Pakistan and killed 23

Mhoni Vidente avisó del terrible terremoto que azotó Pakistán y mató a 23(ESPECIAL)

Mhoni Seer warned of the terrible earthquake that struck Pakistan and killed 23 | SPECIAL

Mhoni Seer warned of the terrible earthquake that shook Pakistan and left at least 23 dead and dozens injured . Yes, the seer of the stars did it again; in September it warned that an earthquake of magnitudes never seen before would occur in Asia, such as the one that struck the region a few hours ago.

What did Mhoni Vidente say about the earthquake?

“I still see a catastrophic earthquake in Asia, almost 9.3 or 9.5. The month of the earthquakes, I had already commented to you,” said the seer.

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Mhoni Vidente while giving his predictions, pointed out that in addition to this earthquake in Asia, he was still seeing more earthquakes, this in Oaxaca or Puebla.

“Nothing so serious anymore, but the seismic alarm will be heard.”

On another topic, Mhoni Vidente now warned of a strong hurricane that will occur in Mexico at the beginning of October, for which he asked the population to be alert.

How did the earthquake in Pakistan happen?

According to international media, at least 23 people lost their lives and 300 were injured at dawn this Thursday due to an earthquake of magnitude 5.9 on the Ritchter scale . Which impacted the Pakistani province of Baluchistan, located in the south of the country.

It was noted that the aforementioned earthquake has affected the cities of Quetta, Sibi, Pishin, Qila Saifullá, Chaman, Ziarat and Zhob, although the epicenter has been located near Harnai at a depth of 15 kilometers, according to information from the country’s seismological center, Geo TV collects.

Precisely, in the city of Harnai is where at least 23 deaths have been reported, although the number of victims is expected to increase in the next few hours since several buildings have been destroyed and several people have been trapped in the rubble.

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The Balochistan Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has distributed in the affected areas rescue teams for evacuations, has indi The Minister of the Interior of the province, Ziaullá Lango, has warned that many people are trapped in the collapsed buildings.

The videos of the moment of the earthquake

An earthquake 5.9 degrees in Pakistan killed 23 people, most of them children and sleeping women, official sources report.

The tremor affected , mostly, to the southwest, where the houses are made of adobe. At least 250 collapsed and thousands of people were left homeless.

– AJ + Spanish (@ajplusespanol) October 7, 2021

At least twenty people died , including several children, and more than 300 were injured in an earthquake measuring 5.9 degrees on the open Richter scale that hit the southwest of #Pakistan , where rescue work continues. – Los Ilustres LP (@LosilustresLp) October 7, 2021

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