Microids opening new Paris studio

Former Darkworks president Antoine Villette will be studio director for publisher’s newest development studio

French publisher Microids is opening a new development studio in Paris.

The company today announced the formation of Microids Studio Paris, with Antoine Villette named as studio director.

Villette was president of French developer Darkworks for more than a dozen years, and served as the director of the 2005 action game Cold Fear.

He moved out of game development after Darkworks, and split the past decade between roles as digital director at the Musée Picasso Paris and director of technology for France’s Culture Pass.

Microids Studio Paris will be put to work on adventure games.

“This new project is a real challenge,” Villette said. “The opening of this studio in Paris will allow the teams to devote themselves to new large-scale projects that will come to fruition in the coming years.”

The Paris studio is Microid’s second new development outpost this year. In June it unveiled a Lyon studio led by David Chomard that will also be focused on making adventure games.

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