Milan offers a new contract to Pioli

  2. Milan
  3. Milan offers a new contract to Pioli
  • 5 October 2021 | 07:16
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  • The Italian grand Milan will offer a new contract to coach Stefano Pioli, informs Milan News.

The club management is satisfied from the work of the 55-year-old specialist, who restored the hopes of the fans of the “Rossoneri” after a long period of timelessness. Милан с най-добър старт от шампионския сезон през 2003/2004 година Milan with the best start from the championship season in 2003/2004

Pioli’s current contract expires at the end of the season. At the moment, Milan is in the second position in Serie A with 19 points after seven rounds, lagging only behind Napoli, which is going without a mistake.


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