Millions of cars cannot be built because of a lack of chips


Various manufacturers are therefore throttling production and cannot finish vehicles. The predicted drop in sales is greater than previously assumed.


Stimmt die Berechnung der Beratungsgesellschaft Boston Consulting, werden bis Ende 2021 über zehn Millionen Autos nicht gebaut. 

If the calculation by Boston Consulting is correct, over ten million cars will not be built by the end of 2021.


Dies, weil Halbleiter und andere Rohstoffe fehlen. 

This is because semiconductors and other raw materials are missing.


Mit einer kurzfristigen Erholung der angespannten Situation ist nicht zu rechnen.

A short-term recovery of the tense situation is not to be expected.

Stefan Puchner / dpa

  • There is a lack of semiconductors and raw materials. This is affecting the automotive industry.

  • According to calculations by the consulting firm Boston Consulting, over ten million cars will not be able to be built in 2021.

  • An end to the tense situation does not seem in sight.

The crisis in the automotive industry due to the Stimmt die Berechnung der Beratungsgesellschaft Boston Consulting, werden bis Ende 2021 über zehn Millionen Autos nicht gebaut.  lack of semiconductors and other intermediate products such as steel come to a head. «We assume that ten to eleven million

vehicles cannot be built this year, ”said Albert Waas from the Boston Consulting firm of“ Welt am Sonntag ”. The consulting firm PwC comes to a similarly gloomy forecast. For the coming year Boston Consulting is now expecting a global decrease of five million cars.

Shortage is likely to last

“The chip shortage is slowing the economic recovery of the auto industry after Corona,” said Waas. A short-term recovery is therefore not to be expected. “We will no longer achieve the production figures in Europe that we had before the crisis,” said the expert. Although he does not expect a wave of factory closures, he is already expecting further relocations to Eastern Europe and China.

First car manufacturers close plants

“The problems worsened in the third quarter and will last well into next year,” said PwC auto expert Felix Kuhnert to “Spiegel”. A fourth corona wave could also reduce sales in some markets.

On Thursday, the car manufacturer Opel announced, because of the worldwide Chip shortage to close production in the Eisenach plant by the end of the year. The car manufacturer Ford also has further restrictions at its Cologne plant.

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( DPA / pco)

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