Ministers of the Visegrad Group for Greater Control of the EU's External Borders

The Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs said today at the meeting of the Ministers of the Interior of the Visegrad Group, Austria and Slovenia in Budapest that we need greater control over who enters the EU . He also expressed the belief that the protection of the EU’s external borders must remain a priority, according to the Ministry of the Interior.


The main focus of the meeting was on current challenges in the field of migration and current issues on the management of European borders

Uniform approach to the external dimension of migration

“The protection of the EU’s external borders must remain our absolute priority in order to counter security risks and prevent possible migratory pressures. We must not allow a repetition of the 2015 scenario, so we must avoid making statements that would be a pull factor, “said Hojs.

He emphasized the need for a unified approach to the external dimension of migration. . “The European Commission, in cooperation with us, the Member States, must establish close cooperation with third countries. However, this cooperation must be based on the principle of mutual benefit, “the Minister added.

FOTO: Matej Družnik/Delo

PHOTO: Matej Druznik / Delo

Minister Hojs presented the contents of the forthcoming session of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council, in particular regarding the further consideration of the Pact on Migration and Asylum. According to the Minister, the Eurodac Regulation is ripe for priority treatment and exemption from the package approach, which is necessary for the implementation of interoperability as soon as possible and for the improvement of migration and asylum management in general, especially in the field of return.

Strengthening support for third countries

Hungarian Foreign Minister Sandor Pinter said that the ministers at the meeting fully agreed on the need to protect the EU’s external borders, reports Hungary press agency MTI . He added that the challenge of migration due to the situation in Afghanistan will be faced by all European countries in the future.

FOTO: Jure Eržen/Delo

PHOTO: Jure Eržen / Delo

Hojs also thanked his colleagues for the constructive approach they had taken in adopting a single statement on the situation in Afghanistan at the extraordinary session. of the EU Interior Ministers in Brussels at the end of August, expressing that the mere adoption of the declaration is not enough, as it must be followed by implementation, the Ministry of the Interior announced.

The EU Interior Ministers wrote in a joint statement that the European Union is determined to prevent the uncontrolled influx of illegal migration from Afghanistan. They pointed out that incentives for illegal migration should be avoided. Ministers also called for strengthening support for third countries hosting large numbers of migrants and refugees. With regard to security threats, the joint statement committed the EU and the Member States to do their utmost to ensure that the situation in Afghanistan does not lead to new security threats for EU citizens.

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