Minute by minute: Babišovo ANO loses percent, the Coalition together is gradually growing

A spokesman for the Czech President, Jiří Ovčáček, rejected speculations that Miloš Zeman was no longer alive. Ovčáček spoke about the health of the head of state in an interview with Rádio Z. The spokesman claims that Zeman must gain strength after hospitalization. At the same time, however, he admitted that the president was ill.

“The disease can affect anyone. We have to realize that he is 77 years old, it is easy that some ailments can appear, “said a spokesman for the president.

According to the Novinky.cz portal, Ovčáček confirmed in his statements that Miloš Zeman has health complications. In the interview, however, he refused to specify what it was specifically about.


Czech Week: How is Zeman? Castle is silent about the president’s health, but may play a key role after the election

“It is now important that the President has enough strength for further work. There is no need to exhibit it (now), “he told Radio Z Ovčáček.

political parties. The head of the ANO movement, Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, said that he did not see a problem in informing the Castle.

“There was a rumor that one night Mrs. (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Czech Republic) Alena Schillerová called my colleague that The president has died, “said Babiš, who rejected similar speculations.

“I saw the President with my own eyes, so I have no reason to believe any rumors,” Hamáček said in a debate in the daily Blesk

. On Thursday, Prague Castle confirmed that for the first time as Zeman, Zeman will not vote in public in the polling station, but the election commission will come to the castle in Lány behind him. Based on doctors’ recommendations, Zeman’s program will be adjusted in the coming days. (tasr)

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