Missing WA woman found during bush rave search

A young West Australian DJ who disappeared from a bush rave on Saturday night has been found by police after spending a cold night lost in the forest.

Nada Rokic, 22, went missing in the North Bannister area, about 90 minutes’ drive south-east of Perth, while attending a weekend-long event called Twisted Arcade.

Missing woman Nada Rokic.

Missing woman Nada Rokic.Credit: Facebook

WA Police Inspector Rhonda Alexander said a massive search effort was mounted to find the woman, with more than 50 SES volunteers, police, and Rokic’s concerned friends and family helping.

“She was [found] quite a way away [from the site she was last seen],” she said.

“At Pikes Road, just north of here, police were honking their horns and Nada walked out from the bush.

“She’s been very quiet, she’s very tired and very cold and our focus is to make sure that Nada is well.”

Temperatures dropped to 1.9 degrees in the region overnight, with Rokic last spotted wearing a jumper, pants and no shoes.

Nada Rokic after being found by police.

Nada Rokic after being found by police. Credit: 9 News Perth

Friends claimed the DJ went to sleep in a van with a friend on Saturday night. When the friend woke up the next morning, Rokic was not there, but her belongings and wallet remained at the camp site.

Her social media accounts show she regularly attends “bush doofs”, with the woman commenting, “DnB [drum and bass] doof is my happy place” in October.

Alexander said friends raised the alarm Rokic was missing on Sunday night after searching for her throughout the day.

“We were very concerned of course, but we were very hopeful [of finding her],” she said.

Rokic was reunited with her worried father and brother on Monday afternoon.

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