MIUI 13: The first screenshots have been leaked and the design of the user superstructure has also been revealed!

Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi, MIUI 13 interface has been preparing a new version of the graphics superstructure for a long time. Along with new leaks, this design also appeared. A nice looking interface is waiting for you. MIUI 13: Upcoming design!

It looks like a new MIUI 13 update is almost ready if users get it soon. After the long-term distribution of MIUI 12.5 update, new indicators are coming for a new upcoming version.

MIUI 13 ‘s next month NovemberTo be introduced at the launch in 2021
. The images are on Chinese social network Weibo The update also includes a number of new features mentioned in the reports of various closed beta versions of MIUI 12.5.

MIUI 12.5

or After the MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition updates, the Chinese manufacturer finally told us that the aesthetic changes It will introduce the thirteenth generation of the MIUI superstructure, which should also include various bug fixes.

The company has announced some improvements that are likely to appear in the global version of MIUI 13 in the last few weeks Among them is the system of expansion of RAM

via storage , which will help especially with high load.

In addition, the interface follows a more minimalist design approach, )Android 12 will stay close to the version of the operating system. In addition, we can see various types of widgets in this design, in the style of iOS

system, which will give us a slightly more comfortable experience on the screens. Other features announced in beta versions of MIUI 13 include: Improved super wallpapers

Faster from home screen able to create notes
Access flashlight settings
Interactive and more advanced “Widgets”
New for all devices AI and camera improvements
Ability to enter documents using shortcuts
Ability to add and manage comments on important alerts
Advanced and enhanced backup
System font Possibility to change shape
Learn more about internal storage
New audio options for screen recording functionImproved system animations
How do you evaluate the upcoming update from Xiaomi’s workshop?

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