Monster Hunter Rise is on PC now, but not without hiccups

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Some players are unable to, well, play

Nine months after its debut on Nintendo Switch, Monster Hunter Rise today launched on PC. Capcom’s latest lizard-skinning simulator is a good’un, and what we played of it pre-release seemed like a solid PC port. However, now the game is out in the world, some would-be players are being blocked out by a bug which doesn’t let them even start a new save. Still, the majority of folks seem to be quite happily hollowing out dogs to make slippers.

Rise heads off to a new land with some new monsters inspired by Japanese folklore, as well as a new ‘Wirebug’ grappling hook and new ‘Palamute’ dog friends you can ride. Then you kill monsters to make better weapons and armour from their corpses to kill tougher monsters to make better weapons and armour from their corpses to kill tougher monsters to make better weapons and armour from their corpses to kill tougher monsters to make better weapons and armour from their corpses to kill tougher monsters to make better weapons and armour from their corpses to kill tougher monsters to make better weapons and armour from their corpses to kill the toughest monster to make the best weapons and armour from its corpse.

Our Katharine’s Monster Hunter Rise PC review thought it “a more than worthy successor” to the previous game, 2018’s Monster Hunter: World.

“There’s a generous and playful sense of freedom here that keeps combat and exploration feeling fresh, and the momentum of its hunting-led missions means you’re rarely spinning your wheels as you seek out that last elusive armour part,” she said. “It’s kept me playing much longer than I ever did with World, and I can’t wait to see how it develops with its imminent Sunbreak expansion later this summer.”

Sounds good if you can play it, but not everyone can. Both Steam player reviews and the official troubleshooting thread have many complaints about an issue stopping some players from starting the game. Apparently it requires newcomers to create a new save file to store their game but then fails to do that, leaving them at the point of needing to create a save which the game is unable to actually create. Hopefully Capcom get folks on that sharpish.

I suppose scattershot technical issues are less of a problem since Steam improved refund policies years back but even if you got your money back, it would still suck find you can’t play a game you wanted enough to buy.

Monster Hunter Rise is out now on Steam for £50/€60/$60. Its demo is still up on Steam too.

Our James has Monster Hunter Rise settings advice to help you tune performance.

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