MRiT: Marek Niedużak leaves the Ministry of Development and Technology

2021-12-30 18:16

2021-12-30 6:16 PM

MRiT: Marek Niedużak odchodzi z resortu rozwoju i technologii
MRiT: Marek Niedużak odchodzi z resortu rozwoju i technologii

photo. Piotr Guzik / / FORUM

Deputy Minister of Development and Technology, Marek Niedużak, resigned from his function as of December 31, 2021, the ministry informed on Thursday. In the ministry, he was not very much responsible for the area of ​​legal regulations for entrepreneurs.

“Thank you very much, Minister for the years working at the Ministry of Development and Technology for Polish entrepreneurs. The legal solutions prepared under the leadership of Minister Niedużak contributed to the facilitation of running a business and simplification of many procedures, especially regarding the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises “- indicated Piotr, Minister of Development and Technology, quoted in the press release Nowak.

Marek Niedużak in MRiT was responsible for the area of ​​legal regulations for entrepreneurs. He supervised, among others legislative work on the act on the so-called Small ZUS, the introduction of the SME Package, the Friendly Law Package, a simple joint-stock company and the new public procurement law.

The ministry added that it was also responsible for preparation of an act on counteracting payment backlogs and amending the Code of Commercial Companies. He coordinated work on the acts known as the so-called the first and fourth edition of the government’s anti-crisis shield.

” that his departure from the ministry was postponed to the end of 2021. ” – submitted by the ministry.

The ministry indicated several legal acts, for the development of which was the responsibility of Niedużak.

One of them is the SME Package, which introduced many simplifications in taxes, administrative obligations and rules for the organization of commercial companies. The ministry indicated that thanks to this, entrepreneurs will have nearly PLN 4 billion in their pockets for 10 years.

from January 1, 2020, extended the status of a “small taxpayer” in PIT and CIT for companies with sales up to EUR 2 million per year (previously it was 1.2 million euro). Thanks to this, they obtained the right to facilitate depreciation and the less frequent obligation to pay advances for income taxes.

The package also shortened the period entitling the creditor from 150 to 90 days who did not receive the payment, to take advantage of the bad debt relief in VAT.

The Ministry indicated that Niedużak was also responsible for the development of the Friendly Law Package, which amends over 60 acts to facilitate business. The package introduced, for example, the “right to make a mistake”, which is the authority not to impose a fine or a mandate to start-up entrepreneurs in the case of minor violations of the law.

The Ministry added that the Package also provides for more favorable conditions for settling VAT in import, or facilities for craftsmen.

The Ministry also indicated that Marek Niedużak he was also responsible for introducing the so-called small ZUS, which made the amount of social security contributions for the smallest entrepreneurs dependent on the amount of income earned a year earlier. From February 1, 2020, this relief was extended – the so-called Small Social Insurance Institution Plus .

He was also responsible for the development of Prosta Spółka Akcyjna. Such entities can be established from July 1, 2021, and PSA is a combination of the features of a limited liability company with the advantages of a joint-stock company.

The Ministry added that the departing The deputy minister also prepared an act on counteracting payment backlogs, which entered into force on January 1, 2020. It shortened the payment deadline to 30 days in transactions where the debtor is a public entity. It also introduced a maximum 60-day payment period in transactions in which the creditor is an SME and the debtor is a large entrepreneur.

The Ministry reminded that the act also introduced the so-called bad debt relief in PIT and CIT, i.e. the possibility for the creditor to reduce the tax base by the debt and the obligation to increase the tax base by the debtor.

Not too big in the ministry development has been working since 2016. He was the deputy director of the legal department, then, from 2017, the director of the regulatory risk assessment department, and from 2018, the director of the economic regulation improvement department.

he was the deputy minister from February 2019. (PAP)

author: Michał Boroń

mick / mmu /

Source: PAP
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Linked: The government of Mateusz Morawiecki




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