Much more than clay dough!



“Or is this the play dough created by our minds?” You know the dough, as soon as you open the lid for the first time, it is cut from the machine.

All your imagination is in the palm of your hand as soon as you hold it. You can knead it and turn it into anything you want. In fact, when you leave it out, that thing you want to see can stay that way forever.

What if instead of what you did dry up and be with you forever? What if he had come alive and chose to stay with you? While explaining all this, I wished that everything was that easy.

Matias Faldbakken’s previous book, We Are Five, Like the Waitress. His book was also published by Timaş Publications. A product of Norwegian Literature, We are Five Persons, edited by Ayşe Tuba Ayman, translated by Mehmet Emin Baş and cover designed by Ceren Yavuz.

When the author’s second book comes out, we will inevitably compare it with the previous one. We wonder what is similar, what has changed, what the author has taken out of his life and entrusted to us this time. Actually, we are all book critic in ourselves.

I did that too and I would like to tell you what I saw for those who haven’t read it. The waiter is talking about a waiter who works in the restaurant of the region in a daily life.

The waiter is talking about the tables, the music played by the pianist, the restaurant By talking about the customers coming and going, he kind of made sure that the readers were his eyes. Apart from writing, Matias Faldbakken’s painting and musical ear meet the readers at Garson.

But for We Are Five I cannot say the same normality. Faldbakken, who started to tell about Tormod and Siv, who have been together since their youth, from their early teens, later enabled us to witness their marriage and the birth of their children.


Tormod, who met with enthusiasm because of his friends in his youth, It shows how easily he can adapt to life by numbing his emotions in his logic. But he never thinks about how this could happen. Finally, he realizes that the powder of enthusiasm goes beyond disabling his emotions and begins to take his life energy. to be able to give, to find the strength to do one’s homework on time, to be able to do everything. But gradually, aside from not doing these things, his life starts to go nowhere other than enthusiasm powder and alcohol.

Moreover, his girlfriend Siv has lost his life. started to get in the way. Besides, she hasn’t seen her boyfriend for weeks. But after learning the events, she will do her best to get her boyfriend out of that pit.

That is until he finds Tormod in a terrible state. . As Tormod feels better over time, his gratitude to Siv grows. After getting married, she tries to repay her debt of gratitude by building a house by herself.

Tormod’s father’s profession is carpentry. After consuming his university time like a powder of enthusiasm and leaving it halfway, he tries to make a living by doing his father’s job.

This is a must. the option then becomes a job he enjoys. He continues to produce something by turning a part of his house into a workshop.

Everything is beautiful until he takes his hand from woods and chipboards and finds it in clay dough. . He spends more time with his daughter Helene and son Alf than with his wife Siv. One thing that helps with this is clay dough. In their spare time with their daughter and son, they enter the workshop and create shapes, animals and games. Finally, they dry and paint them and collect them on the shelves in the workshop.


One day Tormod realizes that he expects more from clay dough. His life will be turned upside down again with the message that fell in his mailbox while talking about clay doughs and pastes special to Norway. It is his friend Espen who makes him believe that he will move forward. He says that he saw his address in one of the parcels of the company he works for and that he will bring him a wonderful material. In this way, he promises to spend time with a better material than clay dough.

Tormod accepts Espen’s offer. Just like in their youth, after a weekend full of enthusiasm and music, they bring their clay dough to another dimension with other materials, electric currents, galvanized solutions and heat.

After that day, they have had dough that can take command, move like a robot, can do even difficult jobs easily, and can stretch in width and length. Moreover, this soft robot will not only help, but will also take many things from that town.

Matias Faldbakken at Garson In addition to the classical music he gives, he talks about Metallica’s music in Biz Five Persons. They almost season the clay dough with Metallica music that night. They show that they are family with the name We Are Five. If this clay dough fan, who is a fan of long hair, saw Rapunzel, I think she would die of love.

As editor Ayşe Tuba Ayman said , read We Are Five, slapping us in the face. That slap will bring us all to ourselves. Or he will pass out.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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