MX Nationals team up with Carbon Comps for 2022 | Dirtbike Rider

Michelin MX Nationals powered by Milwaukee are pleased to announce the U.K’s only competition company that specialise in brand new motorcycles, Carbon Comps as an official partner of the championship for 2022. 

Carbon Comps is the brainchild of Anthony Park, who has over 20 years experience working and competing in 2 wheel motorsport and all being well will be racing the championship himself. The Carbon Comps team will be attending each round showcasing bikes that will be available to win throughout 2022.

“We’re obviously happy to get involved with the Michelin MX Nationals” says Anthony. “We’ve seen the championship develop year on year and the excellent job they’ve done with their free to view live stream. That was a big selling point for us and a great way to cross post and help each other with promotion. Carbon Comps is the only UK competition company that specialises in two wheeled motorsport and award brand new motorcycles and accessories every week. We give as much as possible back into the sport with our ‘Rider Academy Scheme’ supporting athletes and events, so it seemed a perfect match to partner with the most successful motocross championship in the U.K. We’re looking forward to another great year at Carbon Comps supporting more riders and events for 2022 and on a personal level I’m looking forward to getting out there on track.”

MX Nationals Director, Paul Irwin believes it’s another string to the championship’s bow. “One of the main things we learned from this year is the worldwide reach and appeal of the championship. Even James Stewart mentioned in his recent podcast that he’s been watching the live stream coverage, so that’s great. With more of an online presence to work together with a competition company that offer up a whole range of brand new, out of the crate motorcycles will hopefully attract more people to motocross and that’s always a good thing. Maybe we’ll even be able to hand over a bike to a winner live from one of our events and get them along as a guest? Either way, we’re pleased to have Carbon Comps on board as a championship partner and we look forward to working with Ant and Nat in 2022.” 

For more information on Carbon Comps or to enter a live comp or find out more about their ‘Rider Academy Programme’ go to

You can follow the Michelin MX Nationals powered by Milwaukee by visiting their website or following them on Facebook or Instagram.


Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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