‘My neighbours painted my fence to match their house

Neighbour's fence

A social media user was left upset after neighbour painted fence without permission (Image: Getty Images)

A man was left outraged after his neighbours painted the other side of the fence without permission.

Sharing the row on social media, the man explained how he rebuilt his house back in 2019 adding a new fence six inches from the property line.

The user opted for a beige colour to match the style of the house.

Taking to Reddit, he wrote: “ I just noticed my neighbours behind my house painted the fence and fence posts on the back to match the colour of their house without my approval.

“This is not the curbside appeal I want for my house from the back road. They appear to have complete disregard to other’s property and simply do things that suit them. I am extremely frustrated that they did not even have the decency to ask me.”

The social media user went on to explain how his neighbours had earlier created a fuss during the construction of the fence.

He wrote: “Going back a few years during the construction of the fence, they had called the police saying I was doing things illegally and they made up all kinds of stuff. I was doing everything by law, with permits approved. I told them I was putting the fence six inches in my property from the property line.

“To me, this is trespassing and vandalising. What can I do? I have typed up a letter to mail to them. Suggestions please?”

The online community quickly flooded the post with suggestions for dealing with the situation.

One user said: “Send them a registered letter demanding they return your fence to the original painted color, let them know the color and where you got it from if you can. Give them 30 days to remedy, otherwise further action will be taken. Prior to doing that, contact the police department, ask them to come out and take a report of vandalism. Have that report done prior to sending the letter.”

A second user suggested: “Sue them for damages amounting to the cost to hire a painter to repaint it.”

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