Netflix sued in South Korea for increased network consumption with Round 6

Netflix é processada na Coreia do Sul pelo aumento de consumo de rede com Round 6

According to the Reuters, the broadband company SK Broadband is suing the Netflix in South Korea, due to the increase in network consumption with the debut of Round 6.

The company claims that the sudden increase in network traffic generated new costs for providing the service and also for maintenance. Netflix should provide some compensation to internet providers, due to high usage network. The streaming company, on the other hand, claims that its job is to produce content and make it accessible to the public. Despite this, the platform released a statement stating that it will seek dialogue with SK Broadband to resolve the issue.

  • Netflix installs a replica of the Round 6 doll in a shopping mall in the Philippines Round 6 wins Instagram filter to play French Fries 1, 2, 3 Reuters states that
  • Netflix is currently the second largest data traffic generator in South Korea, second only to YouTube, which is from Google. These two companies do not pay network usage fees, but the practice is common in the country, as content providers like Amazon, Apple and Facebook are charged. The site points out that Netflix pays a fee to Comcast Corp provider in the US, to have a higher streaming speed in the country.

    Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at the original source Click Here

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