Netflix’s Profile Transfer lets you move seamlessly to a new account amid password sharing crackdown

Profile Transfer, a new feature from Netflix that allows users to move their profiles between accounts, is now available worldwide. The user’s “personalized recommendations, viewing history, My List, saved games, and other settings” will follow their profile. This feature comes not long after Netflix rolled out its crackdown on password sharing in the United Statesfollowing its launch in Canada.

The streaming giant announced last year that it would start cracking down on password sharing (users between multiple households sharing an account). You can sign up to have multiple households on the same account for a cost.

The crackdown began in Canada in February. Netflix has reported that since then, it has experienced subscriber growth. However, MobileSyrup polled Canadians in March and found the majority of respondents have not been kicked off of a shared account.

Presumably, if Netflix continues to force users into separate accounts, an increasing number of people will want to retain their curated profile. It’s also not convenient for you not to have to recreate your List of shows and movies manually. However, it’s also ideal for Netflix to be able to maintain your viewing history, likes and dislikes, etc. in order to effectively market to you and convince you that the new monthly expense you’ve taken on is worth it.

Source: Netflix

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