New RTL show

New RTL show: At the “Gipfel of the quiz giants” presenter Palina pulls the champions “by the belt”

Also in the second episode of the RTL spectacle “Summit of the Quiz Giants” quickly becomes clear: moderator Palina Rojinski knows how to tame the venerable masters of the quiz shows (which would be Günther Jauch, Johannes B. Kerner and Guido Cantz). That makes for plenty of entertainment.

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marked . More info

  • “Summit of the Quiz Giants” will be available after broadcast on January 10th and 17th (8:15 p.m.) on RTL+ accessible
  • Palina Rojinski moderated
  • Quiz master Günther Jauch, Johannes B. Kerner and Guido Cantz compete against the best quiz candidates

They usually ask the questions. Putting on a poker face when their candidates are torn between answer A and C and the audience holds their breath because there’s a lot of money at stake. You are the moderators Günther Jauch from “Who wants to be a millionaire”, Johannes B. Kerner from “ZDF-Quiz-Champion” and Guido Cantz from “Quizz dich auf 1”.

But the RTL reinvention “Summit of the Quiz Giants” simply turns the tables. Now the quiz masters have to compete against contestants who have already won notable sums of money in other quiz shows. In the second episode, the star moderators also have to find out that it’s not that easy.

Candidate Ivan is sure of victory – and quite cheeky

“The weapon is general knowledge”, moderator Palina Rojinski opened the competition. And with general knowledge, Quizzer 1, Ivan Buljan (45) from Split in Croatia, definitely score. Just like self-confidence. “I speak six languages, it could easily be more,” introduced the medical student, who once won 250,000 euros on the show ‘Der Quiz-Champion’. Ivan didn’t talk too much, he finally won the round against Günther Jauch, Johannes B. Kerner and Guido Cantz.

By the way, the candidate also proved properly Humor. After both he and the three quiz masters answered the question “Which historical event occurred in the period when the world population reached the first billion mark?” incorrectly, Jauch wanted to know: “Who counted the world population around 1800?” Ivan , looking at the grey-haired triumvirate of men, shouted: “One of them!”

For ex-quiz millionaire Elfriede the show is over quickly

The appearance of quizzer 2, who in Vienna living
Writer Elfriede Awadalla (65)
, was less glorious. She lost to the quiz master. The 65-year-old is a former quiz millionaire; she won one million euros in the Austrian program “Die Million Show”. Your concept “I keep calm” didn’t work out this time.

Between well-chosen ones Günther Jauch, Johannes B. Kerner and Guido Cantz had to prove themselves in activities such as table tennis or billiards. Palina Rojinski took the men by the hand, as she put it, “with a pinch of humor and femininity” and monitored whether the rules of the game were all obediently followed. Johannes B. Kerner found them “pretty strict”. The moderator replies coolly: “You have to pull your belt.”

With the statement “I’m passionate about writing Wikipedia articles” and the assertion “I know everyone Flags of this world” introduced himself to Quizzer 3, Marcel Zumstein (47). What started out promising also ended successfully. Marcel was able to defeat the “Three Kings” of the quiz world and was thus in the final together with quizzer 1, because quizzer 4, qualified biologist Andrea Herrmann, failed against the star moderators.

Johannes B. Kerner involuntarily entertains with “Angela Merkel!”

In the final round it was Ivan and Marcel against the three quiz masters. Palina Rojinski asked 20 questions – this time, however, without given answer options. However, Johannes B. Kerner was a bit overzealous on the first lap. The moderator had barely finished the question “Which politician became the first woman Vice President of the USA in 2021?” when he pressed the buzzer and exclaimed: “Angela Merkel”.

To the laughter that followed from the hall, Johannes B. Kerner replied: “Stupid action, I apologize.” But the three quiz masters weren’t really lucky in the next rounds either – and so they were allowed to each other in the end Ivan and Marcel are happy about the prize money of 66,500 euros. The television professionals Günther Jauch, Johannes B. Kerner and Guido Cantz had to accept defeat in the first show. But as the saying goes: all good things come in threes.

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