| No bail for Limpopo nurse accused of murder of seven relatives

Azwidohwi Enoch Ndou appears in the Malamulele Magistrate's Court on 4 February, 2022.

Azwidohwi Enoch Ndou appears in the Malamulele Magistrate’s Court on 4 February, 2022.

  • A man accused of killing seven of his family members in Jimmy Jones Village has been denied bail.
  • The court found that it was in “the interests of justice to keep him safe in custody as the community is angry”.
  • The case has been postponed to April.

A 53-year-old man accused of killing seven of his family members on Christmas Day was denied bail in the Malamulele Magistrate’s Court on Friday.

Azwidohwi Enoch Ndou, a nurse, allegedly gunned down his relatives in Jimmy Jones Village in December last year.

He was arrested when he attempted to open a criminal case against his relatives for stealing his firearm. Thohoyandou police discovered that his relatives had, in fact, been shot dead.

In a statement on Saturday, the National Prosecuting Authority said the court denied him bail, saying “the facts given by Ndou were not exceptional”.

It ruled that it was is in “the interests of justice to keep him safe in custody as the community is angry”.

READ | Bloody Christmas as Limpopo man allegedly massacres 7 family members

“During his bail application, Ndou took a stand and testified that he is a professional nurse at Mahikeng Hospital, he would lose his job and he would suffer financial loss. He said that he would lose his movable property in the form of vehicles as well as his land if kept in custody. He further gave the three addresses of Jim Jones Village, [the] North West and Gauteng. He is not married and he does not have children,” the NPA’s Mashudu Malabi Dzhangi said.

Dzhangi said a State witness indicated that “Ndou’s life is in danger as the community is furious about the incident”.

She said protesters chanted outside court, “threatening to destroy the court building, police station and shopping complex if Ndou is released on bail”.

“[The witness] further told the court that even his brother is not willing to stay with him at the Gauteng address he provided.”

The matter was postponed to 22 April for further investigation.

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